It is a maximum security prison
8 years ago by stolendream · 1227 Likes · 11 comments · Popular
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· 8 years ago
Norway honestly seems like a great country. Prisons should focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment whenever possible. True some murderers and rapists can never be reformed, but the majority of criminals can learn to be great people, if helped out.
· 8 years ago
We shouldn't be fucking up criminals to the point where they commit another crime, at the very least, especially when some of them go in for really small crimes, like petty shoplifting or marijuana.
· 8 years ago
Switch those two picture and that's the Prison system and College dorms in America
· 8 years ago
That would be a pretty high end college dorm, I'd say.
· 5 years ago
The humane prisons are focused around the time in jail being the punishment, not the architecture. The primary reason they can focus on these really nice prisons is because of their small prison populations and high GDP
· 8 years ago
Scandinavian penalty sstem is retarded. I've seen multiple killers swimming in an open lake, Every room TV, and showers, and,.... That.... is....... not..... normal...... You need to stop that, you need to get cured from that libtardism. Prisoners should not have personnal TVs! Àll I think of is some Macedonian dude saying "I'll just go and rob a bank, if they catch me... okay fine, if not... okay, fine" . That's what you're making of your countries and our world. Stop. I've seen this dormitory with my own eyes, and this is not worse, believe me.
· 8 years ago
How is it bad when we have a lower crime rate than most countries? Virtually non existent compared to the US. (Per capita)
· 8 years ago
I don't have enough space here to start explaining. You're turning into Yugoslavia (where I grew up). I'm not saying it's bad now, I'm saying it's fake statistics, not fake as you faking it.... fake as in it's dreamland fake, fairytale. We had one cop in my hometown, I think he was traffic cop... crimes happened once in a decade, you could leave a bank unintended, not one single stolen item, prison was only for sobering up, we had all we wanted.... do you remember how we ended up.... bloodied and eating tree barks and 100 people fighting for last bread in town. It's just not normal, you're turning to socialists, it looks so pretty now, you'll be sorry in the end.
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· 7 years ago
Lol what the actual fuck
· 7 years ago
You're lost.... you're so much lost.... you're already on the irrepairable path of destruction we went through. I can't believe you're more stupid than us. I know Exactly how it happens .Every step of it. You've done almost half of them. If you're stupid enough not to know what you're doing or even where the hell you are, just ask, I'll be glad to explain...If my grammar is bad, I'll try better, but the comments "lols" and"wtf" are just proving my point... that you're lost and scrarching your head. Even if you slept through socialist heaven countries that ended in fratricidal genocidal bloodbath and holodomor (holocaust by starvation), last one in europe, your common sense should tell you you're on the wrong path, with prisons,with immigration, with work ethics, with economy, if you continue with that socialism you'll end up like us, there's no doubt
· 7 years ago
Look, I understand the atrocities and horrific conditions that occurred in Yugoslavia and similar regions but there is a huge difference between there and Scandinavia. For one the economy in Scandinavia is much securer and the population is a lot richer. After all, Norway is the highest ranked country in the world for human development. Yugoslavia was not in a state to handle it when it delved into full on socialism. It just wasn't ready. However Norway and surrounding regions are probably the worlds best bet to see if socialism can work, once and for all. Also, Yugoslavia modeled it's socialism off the USSR, an authoritarian regime which was doomed to fail from the start. If Norway decided to become socialist, that is definitely not the model they would follow.
Edited 7 years ago