I was in my math class with some free time, and I was listening to the guys in the back. One touched another's shoulder, and the latter completely freaked the fuck out, like, "I'm not gay bro wtf"
My lesbian ass just laughed at them, and I resumed sending some cheesy cute stuff to my girlfriend.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Says the guy who has his sexual orientation in his user name... Or maybe I didn't get your irony, in this case: "Chapeau!". Nope, I read your other postings. You're really a sorry WMGHOW.
@chilledtothebone i suggest you don't try to sway his opinion -- straight white males tend not to understand oppression :) glad I'm not the only lesbian here
I'm pretty gay today too! It's like a big gay party here oh my gosh
My girlfriend is returning from London in a few days, and I'm so excited to see her!
My lesbian ass just laughed at them, and I resumed sending some cheesy cute stuff to my girlfriend.
Thank you for the advice, by the way!
My girlfriend is returning from London in a few days, and I'm so excited to see her!