I remember I was sick one time (like really bad) and I was laying on the couch in my sick agony and I remember it being the evening and everything was settling down. I close my eyes for what feels like a second and I open them and it looks to be the same time, but after talking to my family, I slept almost 24 hrs un disturbed. I was hungry when I woke up tho
I once stayed awake for almost 45 hours and when I finally got to sleep I was out cold for over 20 hours. And that is one hell of a way to reset your sleep cycle.
· 7 years ago
How long can you sleep before its classified as a coma?
Don't quote me on this, but I think it's about 2 days. But there are a lot of other symptoms that are required to classify it as a coma and not, say, locked in or brain dead.
Using other symptoms you can theoretically diagnose a coma moments after it begins.
Using other symptoms you can theoretically diagnose a coma moments after it begins.