W A R N I N G:
Small rant ahead:
Sometimes I wish we would go back to when we needed hunters.
Now we just farm everything and have an abundance of office jobs, we even keeps animals in pens and breed them instead of hunting them, which is fine if you're "farmer minded", but if you're "hunter minded" like me, this lifestyle is far from ideal.
Most people seem to have a farmer's brain nowadays, so the people with a hunter's brain get diagnosed with "ADHD", sometimes get treated as " bad people" and get prescribed drugs that, are supposed to help with "focusing", but also drain our creativity.
To me it's not a disorder, just a different way of processing our environment.
Sorry, for the sudden rant. I know it came out of nowhere, but someone's gotta do it, and it's real to me and society pisses me the fuck off sometimes.
I would say more and proofread, but I'm busy rn.
Shoutout to my fellow hunters!
I was diagnosed with ADD at the age of 6. I've been on medication ever since, and not once has it drained my creativity. I don't know how it is for other people though.
Damn, that's good to hear. tbh, I haven't had that happen to me personally beside the world seeming a bit "bland" while taking meds, then again, I haven't taken meds in years, but I see how it could happen.
I quit going to a doctor a few years ago for whatever reason, plus I used to actually pretty against medication 'cos I was sure they would fuck up the way my brain naturally functions.
Now I know that they can be helpful in moderation, and kind of wish I had a prescription for harder times, but at the same time, over the years I tried to study adhd and developed coping mechanisms to deal with distractions, the anxieties that come along with it and etc.
I also bought a few fidget spinners and a fidget cube, I highly recommended getting some.
I hope you have a good day! :D
Small rant ahead:
Sometimes I wish we would go back to when we needed hunters.
Now we just farm everything and have an abundance of office jobs, we even keeps animals in pens and breed them instead of hunting them, which is fine if you're "farmer minded", but if you're "hunter minded" like me, this lifestyle is far from ideal.
Most people seem to have a farmer's brain nowadays, so the people with a hunter's brain get diagnosed with "ADHD", sometimes get treated as " bad people" and get prescribed drugs that, are supposed to help with "focusing", but also drain our creativity.
To me it's not a disorder, just a different way of processing our environment.
Sorry, for the sudden rant. I know it came out of nowhere, but someone's gotta do it, and it's real to me and society pisses me the fuck off sometimes.
I would say more and proofread, but I'm busy rn.
Shoutout to my fellow hunters!
Now I know that they can be helpful in moderation, and kind of wish I had a prescription for harder times, but at the same time, over the years I tried to study adhd and developed coping mechanisms to deal with distractions, the anxieties that come along with it and etc.
I also bought a few fidget spinners and a fidget cube, I highly recommended getting some.
I hope you have a good day! :D