If she was Arabic looking, why leave it out? When people add a description, it's to help you imagine the setting. And as much detail and space went into recreating the attendant's speech, it would have been uneven just to leave the passenger's description as a well-dressed woman.
She shouldn't have disrespected him then. Idc how fuckin royal you are,if you don't follow the rules that apply to EVERYONE then you're just asking for this response.
If she isn't the princess of the country she's in, she doesn't automatically get to have people do what she wants. The flight attendant is the authority and he was telling her to put the tray up, which EVERYONE has to do. Just because her daddy runs a country doesn't mean she's exempt from doing a simple task.
The woman is annoying. People tend to be that way. The attendant is more annoying. Not professional. No handling things calmly. And such informal speech. What he did is what I would be thinking, not doing.
Not that this story is real,of course