Why are kids in school having kids and bring their babies into school? If you can't afford childcare put the baby up for adoption so someone who can afford a child can have it. If you're stupid enough to have underage sex and not use any kind of precautions then you're not clever enough to rear a child. I bet this is in America, the land of the shit health care and home of the crap Sex Ed.
... oooor they love their baby too much to put if up for adoption. Sometimes people get their education for their children, the mother is not necessarily really young.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Love can't feed a child. Love won't keep it warm or a roof over its head. If you can't afford children then don't have them or if accidental pregnancy occurs either abort it or put it up for adoption.
Or maybe she's in college? Because there are people who actually get married and have a family while going to a university? I've had someone bring a baby to my classes before.
· 7 years ago
That's stupid. Unless you've already got married, had a family and gone BACK into the education system there's no need for anyone to get married and have kids in college. It's stupid and a distraction from your education. There's no reason why that crap can't wait until you've finished college or university.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
There's also no reason why it has to. I honestly don't see why getting married would be a distraction. Just because YOU want to wait, doesn't mean everyone else does. Plenty of people are responsible adults who can handle school and family at the same time.
I know a guy who worked full time, went to school full time, and was married and had two daughters under the age of 4. He graduated with honors last month from his engineering program and he's only 26.
Also, I've seen you pull the argument that they can't afford the baby, and to that I say, just because they're in college doesn't necessarily mean that they can't afford to have a child.
· 7 years ago
And who are you to say that, peachy? It's not your decision or right to tell someone else what they have to do in their relationship. If a couple feels ready to have a baby, they should go for it! More power to them. It is their decision, not yours. And you don't need to judge someone because they're further along in life than you are.
In context they said they brought the baby TODAY not EVERY DAY meaning maybe, JUST MAYBE, she does have someone who can take care of her kid and she just doesn't that day. Things don't go perfect so you should just give up your baby ? Fuck that. Also you don't know her situation. Once you hit puberty, most people begin to have sexual urges and it's not always their fault if they have abstinence pushed on them and they don't know HOW to protect themselves. Also, maybe a condom broke or the guy lied about putting one on or maybe she was even raped. You don't know her life.
And yeah it's most likely in America and yeah we need to reform shit in education but you need to fix your fucking attitude assuming shit about a teenage girl who's going to school AND taking care of her kid and owning up to the consequences of her actions.
College isn't a good time for a kid, you need to pay attention to your studies. Being in class or sleeping and doing work all the time is not good for the child. However, it is her choice.
· 7 years ago
College isn't a good time for a social life or a job either. Doesn't mean you should let it get in the way of actually living your life.
I had a classmate in university who had to do this once because her husband was on a business trip. Why are people hating when we don't even know the story behind the photo? The point of the post was to show that the teacher had ***compassion***, something some people here don't seem to have.
I am not hating on her. As I said, it is her choice and there is more information than what we can see in this photo. In college, usually one can barely support themselves, much less a newborn child that requires attention all the time.
I never personally accused you of hating on her. Also, it's an assumption that the event took place in a college (yes, it says professor, but maybe the student is attending university, part-time classes, etc.). We don't know anything about the student's financial situation. It's also not right for anyone to basically say that women can't get an education AND have a family. We're all making assumptions about the student and forgetting the main point of the post: compassion and understanding.
Okay so long story short:
In conclusion, the professor isn't a dick, it's amazing that the woman has a baby and can financially support it while others are having a harder time with just themselves, this may or may not be college, but it doesn't matter in the end.
Or, another explanation could be that she usually has someone take care of the child but that someone couldn't that day. Maybe she was sick or something. Just saying, maybe don't be so quick to judge.
I know a guy who worked full time, went to school full time, and was married and had two daughters under the age of 4. He graduated with honors last month from his engineering program and he's only 26.
And yeah it's most likely in America and yeah we need to reform shit in education but you need to fix your fucking attitude assuming shit about a teenage girl who's going to school AND taking care of her kid and owning up to the consequences of her actions.
In conclusion, the professor isn't a dick, it's amazing that the woman has a baby and can financially support it while others are having a harder time with just themselves, this may or may not be college, but it doesn't matter in the end.