Be honest. They are simply your companion slave. They have no choice in anything and you're horrible for forcing animals to be all cute and cuddly just for your enjoyment.
· 7 years ago
I dunno, I never tell my cat to follow me, but he does it anyway
You can't teach animals to be cute. They were born that way
Take a dog to a park without a leash. They'll run around, but they'll come back. They could follow anyone else home, even run away. But if your dog likes you they'll come back
Dogs are a species that would not exist without mankind. Many dogs actually prefer the company of humans to dogs. No other species can understand us like they do, it's their very nature to be our subordinate companions. Trying to life with them as equals can only result in stress for both the dog(s) and the human(s).
You can't teach animals to be cute. They were born that way