I agree! The reality is that like anything exceptiinally rewarding, marriage is a lot of work. A written agreement and vows in the eyes of a government and/or whatever higher power you believe in makes it more difficult to just give up at the first sign of difficulty. The reality is that strong households produce strong children who in turn grow up to have strong households. If you're the type of person who always does the least and in return desires the most out of life, I all but gurantee a marriage wont work for you. But if you're willing to put in the effort and concentrate on improving yourselfe and improving the life of your SO it will be one of the most rewarding parts of your life.
Yeah no it's actually a religious thing. And at first it was not like that at all, women were basically property back then (that's why women still mostly adopt their husband's names). So "I like you so much I'm gonna tell some charlatan who claims to speak to God to legally make you my property." is kinda closer.
The marriage relationship is actually instituted by God Himself, beginning with Adam and Eve. Each marriage, whether you believe or don't, is a covenant with God. It is legally binding and has severe earthly consequences if broken. So many today get married (and divorced) like it's nothing. :( So sad.