The actor who plays the doctor also starred in a show called Serenity. It was really good and had great ratings but got cut short after only 1 season
· 7 years ago
A bit more than that. The show was Firefly with the movie being serenity, he also played Castle in the show Castle, and the doctor being horrible refers to the movie Dr. Horrible's sing along blog which they were both in with the patient being Dr Horrible
As an added fact NPH started his career as a brilliant child doctor on Doogie Howser. For decades he was type cast as Doogie, making cameo appearances but essentially not landing any major Hollywood roles. Harold and Kuhmar broke the character mold and opened the door for Barney Stinson, and all that followed. So having NPH as the patient also very subtly nods to this history, if unintentionally.