Even with those hand guards I lost so many finger nails to those bastard ass boards! They actually got banned a year later after a kid lost three fingers to one.
· 7 years ago
You say the so casually
Like "yeah a kid lost three fingers to that thing but no big deal"
Well I hated the brat so I couldn't be bothered to give a solitary crap particle, he was the gym teacher's spawn so he was an entitled ass and the teacher himself was an inverted anus rubbed in salt, if he heard you call the class a gym or him a gym teacher he gave you a zero for the day. It was 'physical education' and he was a 'physical education specialist' this was a small elementary school in a town of less than 1900 people.
Oh, day one of my school life was hell all the way up to my graduation in 2004, I actually walked off the stage with my diploma took off the stupid hat and stomped it before walking to my car both middle fingers in the air. I do not miss school and couldn't be paid enough to go back. One thing I did enjoy was getting to leave early three days a week for my last two years to attend a college course that was fun and to actually be in an environment fit for my level of thinking instead of the watered down dumbed down excuse for a rural high school.
Hand guards- shmand gaurds
Those are for chumps
Like "yeah a kid lost three fingers to that thing but no big deal"