When my mother or sis in law can't control their children and has to call my name out to keep them in line
I'm the bad guy in the family but without me, don't know how they gonna survive
@signofcrashtest At our school, the substitute just puts up with the class's shit for the hour, then leaves a bad note about us for the teacher. Then when the real teacher comes back again, we really get fucked over.
And then the entire class gets in trouble and I'm sitting here like: these fucktards gave the whole class an hour long lecture just because they said one too many yo-mama jokes -_-
I remember one time in English, some of the guys in my class were joking around over something stupid and being loud while we were doing all that Poe packet shit, and when the teacher got back the next day, the class got chewed out the whole hour and 30 minutes the day after that for it. And I was just sitting there the whole time like, "What did we do to deserve this? What did I do? I was just reading."
I'm the bad guy in the family but without me, don't know how they gonna survive