Oh, and I won't regenerate after I bang Rogue(Hmmmm, better side with that weather wizard on this one.).
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Technically, Rogue's power is that she can drain other people's powers.
Yes, in her opening scene, she did start to drain the life of her boyfriend because he wasn't a mutant
She drains the life force of anyone she touches, and in the case of mutants, that means their powers as well. The life draining is the focus of much of her character, it's why her skin has to stay covered at all times or risk accidentally killing someone if she trips into them. Power stealing is just a byproduct.
· 7 years ago
That's why the boyfriend still wasn't breathing when she let go of him
She didn't kill Ms. Marvel... they were going to kill each other because Rogue also absorbed her psyche so Magneto had to kill that persona inside Rogue. Ms. Marvel was rescued by Spider-Woman but was in a catatonic state.
theoretically she wouldn't have to absorb Apocalypse's powers... she'd become FAR more powerful if she just fully absorbed any mutant's abilities. If she goes too far she permanently has their abilities but it also screws her up in the head. If she wanted to she could take out Xavier, Wolverine, Storm, Kitty, Colossus, Gambit, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Angel and Magneto and single-handedly destroy Apocalypse. Maybe even Magik, Cyclops and Psylocke for shits and gigs.
Actually, it's a perfect metaphor for LGBT people in bad environments (considering that x-men as a whole is an LGBT metaphor) being told by LGBT people in supportive environments to come out and just be themselves :)
Yeah, you might be able to be yourself because of your situation, there are some people that, if they Be Themselves, they could get hurt or killed
Did you just take a comic that started in 1963 , during the age of ethnic inequality and somehow pretend it has something to do with your current gender politics? While I am an idiot for humor and my own silly reasoning, you guest are a moron.
This has nothing to do with gender politics. The X-Men comics focused on mutants ostracized not for their wrongdoings, but simply for their state of existence, quite simply, by being a person. In the real world, people are discriminating minorities such as LGBT, black people, mentally ill, and others. So, no, it is just not about gender politics. The struggle and oppression faced by the some undesirables in society may not be true for you, but it is real for some of us.
Yes, in her opening scene, she did start to drain the life of her boyfriend because he wasn't a mutant
That's why the boyfriend still wasn't breathing when she let go of him
Imagine if she drained apocalypse's powers.
Yeah, you might be able to be yourself because of your situation, there are some people that, if they Be Themselves, they could get hurt or killed