My cousin's lifetime story
It was her birthday like half a month ago. After she blew up the candles with her 2 nieces. The family had to lighten the candles up 2 more times so the kids could blow them up by themselves again
This happens every year
Cause parents here let kids do anything with the reason ''they are just kids, they don't understand.''
That's why our generation and the next one gonna filled with spoiled crying baby brats
And now, because I'm older, my birthday is "an experience more for the little kids" and, "look how excited they are, they reallt want the biggest slice". I just want to be selfish for one day.
Thats such bullshit though. It's supposed to be your day not a day for the kiddies. Whenever I get to blow my candle and another kid tries to blow it I legit jist put a hand to their fave and push them back a little. They cry but hey its my birthday not yours Leon!
I don't really celebrate birthdays. But if I did and some children would happen to be there (I wouldn't invite them in the first place, but hey maybe when I'm older my friends will have kids and yada yada), I would legit push the kids away. Firstly because it's my birthday, not theirs. Secondly because I really don't like kids.
It was her birthday like half a month ago. After she blew up the candles with her 2 nieces. The family had to lighten the candles up 2 more times so the kids could blow them up by themselves again
This happens every year
That's why our generation and the next one gonna filled with spoiled crying baby brats