bruh if this ever happens to you at a porta potty you feel like your life is over it happened to me and all i could think about was the fact i have probably just taken 10 collective butt jelly's from different people up my anus.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
What the hell is butt jelly??
· 7 years ago
It's that nasty sewage that's in a porta potty. It just sits and festers and slightly melds together in a horrifying squishy mold like jelly
some can only be so lucky walking into a porta potty during work when it is a hundred degrees outside it is like boiling sewage and the smell my gosh the smell its enough to make you want stick a pair of scissors up your nose and just end your misery
· 7 years ago
No no. The smell is tolerable . . . Until you add to it. All that standing shitpiss concoction stirs to life and your nose gets assaulted by the auromatic hell that you'll be smelling for the rest if the day
· 7 years ago
Umm I think I'd rather not think about that. thanks