My guess: The whites guy is pretty pleased with his enlightened social,activism and is angry with the black guy for not having the views he deems appropriate for blacks to have.
Did you ever see hoe politically correct people treat a woman or black who has conservative views? That often triggers the behavior that they condemn in others, but it's ok because the person has "incorrect views."
"State rights" to own slaves and keep their sorry ass plantations going. "State rights" to whip and force people different from them into labor to the point where they work themselves to death. I don't understand why people like you defend Robert E. Lee and the confederate flag. It's like saying that we should have the right to rape or kill because "State rights". It doesn't make any fucking sense.
· 7 years ago
Even so famousone, you know 90% of people don't carry it around for that reason, because they're smart enough to know the negative connotation
The war was over taxes and exports more than anything. The only reason Lincoln emancipated the slaves was to keep Europe from supporting the South.
I personally side with Lincoln and the union, but I also think that ignoring the catalyst of the war will only invite an encore.
Those ignorant of history are damned to repeat it.
On Dec. 24, 1860, delegates at South Carolina’s secession convention adopted a “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union.” It noted “an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” and protested that Northern states had failed to “fulfill their constitutional obligations” by interfering with the return of fugitive slaves to bondage. Slavery, not states’ rights, birthed the Civil War.
The war wasn't about taxes, that is just a complete myth that the modern southern redneck created to justify the waving of their racist flags. Southern anti-abolitionists passed these lies down to their children and grandchildren and it has been that way every since. Lincoln clearly wanted to make this war about slavery but he covered it up and claimed it was about rights so that the anti-abolitionists in the north wouldn't turn against him. Read up on the utter nonsense that is spewing out of your mouth and poisoning others you snake.
The north was industrial and the South was agricultural, the South got all over their industrial products from Europe since Europe was cotton starved. This upset the industrial barons of the North so they put high tariffs on goods to and from Europe.
Seriously guest if you want to talk about history, log in and say it like a man. Yes slavery was wrong but that's not why the war started. If it was the Grants wife wouldn't have owned slaves throughout the duration of the war. Also the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the south, not the North. And the emancipation proclamation didn't even happen until like midway through the war.
Rant over
literally every state that seceded mentions slavery as the driving cause in their formal letters. It's from their own fucking mouths. You can't argue against that.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Even when the civil war was not (only) about slavery, the Jim Crow laws after it were 100% against blacks. Even though that flag and those monuments of loser generals (built AFTER the war) may have had another meaning, it wasn't black people giving those symbols the meaning it has today, for most black AND white people. And when people today march along open KKK members and open nazis, shouting "out with the jews" and showing the hitlergruss, then they SHOW support, no matter if intended or not. It's probably not possible to really find out the percentage of hardcore racists and super decent people in this rally, the former have totally dominated the whole happening before it even happened. So if anyone decent went there too, s/he must either be extremely oblivious, bordering ignorance, or super extra special snowflakes who just know better than the 95% peasants.
Slavery was 100% the main cause of secession and the war, but higher taxes on southern companies also played a big part, though yo focus on that part more so than slavery ignores the human rights violations that went on, having to pay more for a good or service is not as bad as having your fucking freedom taken away, and I think they even knew that back then
D.C. Ended slavery in 1862. Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 freed Confederate slaves. Maryland outlawed slavery in 1864. 13th Ammendment outlawed in the whole (reunified) nation in 1865. Missouri abolished slavery in 1865, less than three weeks before the 13th amendment. Kentucky remained a slave state until the last day of 1865, nearly a year after the 13th amendment. (Messed up fact: Mississippi didn't ratify the 13th until 2013)
· 7 years ago
So? This isn't explicitly against southerners or the south. I believe the majority of any popular vote in the south would not agree with racists and nazis.
I'm not arguing with you. I was actually backing up your statement that slavery was not the only issue. Taxes and states rights played a part in the formation of the CSA.
Did you ever see hoe politically correct people treat a woman or black who has conservative views? That often triggers the behavior that they condemn in others, but it's ok because the person has "incorrect views."
I personally side with Lincoln and the union, but I also think that ignoring the catalyst of the war will only invite an encore.
Those ignorant of history are damned to repeat it.
Seriously guest if you want to talk about history, log in and say it like a man. Yes slavery was wrong but that's not why the war started. If it was the Grants wife wouldn't have owned slaves throughout the duration of the war. Also the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the south, not the North. And the emancipation proclamation didn't even happen until like midway through the war.
Rant over