As opposed to all other religions? I'm pretty sure the Catholic Church matches this. As does the Mormon and Baptist.
· 7 years ago
Mormons, Catholics and Baptists don't force their members to become thousands of pounds (dollars, euros or whatever) in debt to do "sessions", they dont force families apart when someone decides to leave and they don't force members to sign a billion year contract.
I'm pretty sure you have never been to a "Fire and Brimstone Baptismal" in South Alabama. Oh and Yeah, Catholics never ask for money . Oh, wait, I meant Mormons. You have a limited perspective. Religions are designed to protect the weak. By limiting their understanding and knowledge and keeping them poor. It's how it works.
Oh, and before you get all preachy Peachy and say this "they dont force families apart when someone decides to leave" maybe understand Mormons and Catholics. Just type Excommunication in your browser dumbass.
· 7 years ago
Scientologists brand people who leave as "suppressive People" and ban any kind of communication between active members and their SP family members, even letter and calls. Yes other religions ASK for donations but it's optional, whereas in Scientology you HAVE to pay to do Dianetic Sessions to go up levels etc. No I've never been to Alabama as I live in the UK, you're acting as if people in other countries are meant to know about shitty little extreme Christian sects like the one you mentioned.
As I said you have a limited perspective. Comes from living in a Theological Monarchy perhaps. Oh, and there is a reason the Queen is the Head of the Church of England. Yeah, excommunicated.
I never said Scientology wasn't worse. I will admit I like L. Ron Hubbard's science fiction. Both Invasion Earth and Battlefield Earth are silly. I simply pointed out that all religions have a common theme.
1.Pick a group to dislike.
2.Gather the less prosperous and tell them about your dislike.
3. Offer future benefits in exchange for current cash.
4. Profit
Hey! I owe @Peachypersimmon an apology.
I am in fact sorry.
You did not deserve me being a jerk.
You did nothing wrong.
I am totally at fault.
Let me know what I can do to make it right.
· 7 years ago
Holy shit is this real
· 7 years ago
Apology accepted :) there's nothing you need to do :) hope you have a good day ^_^
1.Pick a group to dislike.
2.Gather the less prosperous and tell them about your dislike.
3. Offer future benefits in exchange for current cash.
4. Profit
I am in fact sorry.
You did not deserve me being a jerk.
You did nothing wrong.
I am totally at fault.
Let me know what I can do to make it right.