Actually men and women masturbate an equal amount, women are just less likely to admit to it. And your answer is a bit stupid Grimmy.
Women don't orgasm as often as much as men do because we are more complicated. It's not as simple as men are when all they have to do is tug hard and long enough. When women masturbate most of the time they orgasm.
Statistical fact: women in lesbian relationships orgasm around over 95% of the time, whereas women in heterosexual relationships orgasm only around 55%.
It is, thank you. Do you happen to remember where the 95% v. 55% info came from? If not, I'm content skimming through what you've posted here in hopes of finding it so I can read the related content. There's quite a lot of information in the first link!
· 7 years ago
I read it somewhere else. Believe it or not I don't have a file system in my brain where I can have a rummage around and find out exactly where I read it xD although that'd be damn useful most of the time lol
And the facts are correct, less women orgasm than men do.
Women don't orgasm as often as much as men do because we are more complicated. It's not as simple as men are when all they have to do is tug hard and long enough. When women masturbate most of the time they orgasm.
Statistical fact: women in lesbian relationships orgasm around over 95% of the time, whereas women in heterosexual relationships orgasm only around 55%.
And similar sites.
Is that good enough for you?