It's sad people actually think that is how it works
· 7 years ago
Some people are so stupid. If you have sex and regret it afterwards, all it is is regret. You still consented and that cannot be revoked afterwards. Consent can be revoked mid-sex and denied beforehand but not after the deed has been done. The kinds of people who think that regret is the same as actual rape are not only ignorant AF but are one of the worst types of people.
· 7 years ago
I regret writing this comment therefore it does not exist and you are not reading it. Don’t look at me you’re the crazy one for making up words
im calling the police. YOURE DONE FOR YOU SICK FUCK! Also im so sorry for you it must have been awful i hope you rot in hell for what you did to you....wait im confused now...
We laugh at the absurdity of the over-the-top response, but there are many on campuses and elsewhere that do believe this. They will then make life miserable for the guy who obtained consent, but didn't realize it could be annulled retroactively.
Another good one is that a woman can be too drunk to,consent, but the guy can't be too drunk to have noticed the girl was too drunk.
Another good one is that a woman can be too drunk to,consent, but the guy can't be too drunk to have noticed the girl was too drunk.