Yeah, but it is the single greatest description of the Chaotic Evil alignment ever. And Heath Ledger's Joker is the perfect example of a Chaotic Evil mastermind: he always has a plan, and everything he does is connected to that plan, but it all seems random until the very end. Then, the horror sets in and you realize you have been played from the very beginning.
· 7 years ago
Also. He is the kind of guy who once sets his eyes on something, he would do it no matter what. The whole reason for Joke's existence has now shifted from burning the world to making Batman kill him. Batman knows he won't stop, but can't kill him. 'cause once he does that. He will prove that Joker was right. And Joker won't stop until he makes Batman kill him. It's amazing that how sometimes Good and Evil turn out against each other. The rivalry is so dark and intense that it is magnificent to watch something like this.