Oh, God. My spouse learned the error of his ways *quickly* the first time he apologized to me without meaning it/understanding why.
· 7 years ago
If you don't understand why a person is upset about you, why would you marry him/her anyway? This smelly corpse of a joke is an offense both to men and women.
Dude. Why the fuck don't you actually try to find out why your spouse is mad? You're just doing them a disservice by being dishonest.
· 7 years ago
Some people have surprisingly low expectations of their marriage. So many men "locker-room"-talk of their spouses in such a disrespectful way it makes me sick, and my wife tells me it's not that different amongst women sometimes. So these people probably kind of deserve each other. There's a big difference though: women fake orgasms, men fake relationships. I get it though: the perfect or single option is not for everyone. I never had a relation longer than 4 weeks before I met my wife. 22 years ago.
Yeah, my main criterion for considering marriage is that my life has to be better *with* the person than without, which these days I guess makes me super picky? I'd probably be single if it weren't for my spouse.
Dislike the joke all you want, but it's more true than not.