Complaining is the equivalent to giving hopeful thoughts to people losing houses, family members, belongings and friends. Words are nice, but do something.
I totally agree, he's absurdly obnoxious and he's giving drug users in general a bad rap. Doesn't make him wrong with anything he says though, just too easy to ad-hominem him.
The inequality is that some nip like him can become rich and hard workers like myself are destined for mediocrity.
In all reality though any millionaire that makes 7 figures annually that cries about income inequality publically while not donating half their income to charity is just that, a hypocrite.
In conclusion, he’s an ass. (Even more so than me)
· 7 years ago
you could have given half of your money to someone "unequal." Or you can piss and moan about "they."
· 7 years ago
He's actually well know to give quite a lot for charity and engage in a lot of charitable projects. At least way more than most of his critics.
Russell Brand is a sanctimonious prick who needs to practice what he preaches.
· 7 years ago
If you had half the wits to use google, and if you actually gave a flying fnck, you'd know by now that he DOES actually practice, what he's preaching. So it appears you just tried to be a little dickish. Check.
In all reality though any millionaire that makes 7 figures annually that cries about income inequality publically while not donating half their income to charity is just that, a hypocrite.
In conclusion, he’s an ass. (Even more so than me)