I mean... Helping people who need help isn't the problem. What they did was try ti offer too much. They let people who are coming from Africa get all the way to Sweden and demand stuff rather than giving certain areas to people so they can control the flow. They're letting people in willy nilly and go where the fuck ever when it need to be regulated. Otherwise its no different than open borders.
This rapefugee nonsense is the blueprint of fake news. Not like in "criticizing Trump based on facts" but the real, fake kind. In europe it's only spread by really uninformed people or open right extremists. In fact, if you google it, you will only find two sorts of webpages dealing with that, definite fascists and total debunks. In america it's spread by Trump and his supporters. Draw your own conclusions.
Yo got any sources to back up your claims? Cause otherwise you're just being biased by claiming only " really uninformed people " and " open right extremists " spread the " fake news " when like none of this site is right wing extremist and most people have read about these cases due to the large numbers of them.
· 7 years ago
Yes, a whole internet full of sources. All important news outlets will tell you that the "rapefugee" narrative is a myth. The (center/conservative!) swedish government has denied all the rumors and thoroughly explained the figures. I have the indistinctive feeling though, that you will label them as "mainstream media" and will prefer sites with less words, and more hysteria and - most important - everything you need to know explained in a max. 15 minute video. Too many people don't know how the internet works. People read the same lie a 1000 times and the debunk maybe 10 times, decide by the numbers and call this a research. Also, as "all the mainstream media is lying" (which they have read 10,000 times, so it must be true), the "alternative media" must be right, because there MUST be something to believe in.
You aren't gonna convince anyone by repeating all the reasons you think they're wrong, you need to use this hard data to rebuke their claims. Frankly, it sounds like you're more concerned with ridiculing a straw man in your head than you are with making any points to the people challenging you.
· 7 years ago
What makes you believe I'm trying to convince anyone? I'll be dead before most of you reach my age, we don't have children, and we live in a place that will still be pretty civilized compared to the USA when Honey Booboo will be your first female president. People who don't get how folks like Ben Shapiro or Steven Crowder are but a bunch of lying windbags are not on the list of people I care for. You folks keep doing what you're doing. I'm just venting, this is a fun place, not a platform of thorough political debate.
That you're using a tired phrase? If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but your stupidity and stubbornness seems to be the kind that can only be matched by a trolls. If you're not, I'm so sorry for you.
· 7 years ago
HAVE you googled "refugee rapists" and have you analyzed the results as I proposed? Or do you still rely on how all the people you're friended with say all the same and share the same couple of videos?
You're the one who's making a claim and having your point. I'm not doing your work for you and looking up your evidence. The burden of evidence falls on you.
· 7 years ago
So _you're_ not making a claim and having a pov? I'm inviting you to reflect the sources you're basing your opinions on. Apparently these sources let you believe that muslim immigrants rave all over europe and rape women. You probably believe those sources, because people you trust sent these links to you and tol,d you they believed what these sources say. So would it change your view if a total stranger (who you find generally annoying) linked a few or dozen pages stating this isn't true? Probably not. I believe if you just had a view on the different sources dealing with this topic, you would clearly see that there are huge differences in the quality of those sources. If you're not willing (or able) to doubt your own sources, it wouldn't matter if I listed a 1000 links, so why would I even try? From what I read from you, I don't think you're an unflexible blockhead like GI José, so I proposed a way to you to check your own views. That's why I'm even trying.
Oh I am making a claim and having a point of view, but it was the original point of view and opinion in the comment chain. No one asked me for sources. If someone had, I would have provided them to back up my claim. But you came and started telling us to Google your claim. Then I asked you for sources. You told me to look them up, which I'm not going to do. Not because I have a differing view point, but in a debate type conversation like this why should I, the opposing view, have to look up sources that I'm not laying claim to? I could just as easily find the same amount of sources to back up my claim. If you were to provide sources that would make me change my mind by having enough convincing evidence, then so be it, but I'm not going to do it for you. If your claim has such an abundance of sources it wouldn't be hard for you to back up your claim.
I love debating, as long as all parties remain civil, and I'd be open to having a discussion about your viewpoints. But you need to provide evidence for your view for me to look at, or it ends there.
· 7 years ago
The should probably know. I'm not going to link to like the BBC or Politifact. If you accepted them, you'd not believe the sources that you seem to trust. I get it, you're not willing to reflect your news management and the sources you base your opinion on. That's fine, most people don't.
I'm French and we are sick to death of these things flooding in to our country. Every day there is anti white hate crime. We had a chance to slow it down by voting for Lepen but the leftie fuckwits voted macron. Even though it's illegal, I'm always armed ready for the next aggression. They are not refugees, those things are disgusting perverts, rapists and terrorists.
Je sais pas dans quelle France tu vis mais c'est absolument faux, de plus les attaques terroristes ne touche pas que les blancs comme a tu a l'air de le penser It's a good thing that Lepen wasn't elected as she as racist as you , i don't like Macron that much but he is better than Lepen thats for sure
Toi, visiblement tu dois être à la campagne... Viens faire un tour en banlieue tu verras bien. Tu as pas compris mon remarque concernant les térroristes donc passons... I ma in NO way racist, I'm just against mass immigration destroying this country. You really need to open your eyes. Bless ya and your naivety :-P
The should probably know. I'm not going to link to like the BBC or Politifact. If you accepted them, you'd not believe the sources that you seem to trust. I get it, you're not willing to reflect your news management and the sources you base your opinion on. That's fine, most people don't.