Okay but let me ask you this. What good comes from marijuana other than pleasure or fun (other than medical purposes because i'm all for medical marijuana), other than a likely increase in marijuana related car crashes and people driving under the influence.
So, people are going to smoke weed whether it's legal or not. Look at what's happened in eg Colorado - more money for health and education via the taxes collected that would otherwise line the pockets of the criminal class. Lower incarceration rates; an alternative means of narcotic recreation for people who might otherwise only have alcohol - plainly a far more destructive substance - to resort to. Related hemp industries are enormously profitable and more sustainable than many current textiles.
Much, much good comes from marijuana when you let the Reefer Madness madness die its long overdue death.
You know you honestly might have changed my mind. I didn't know about the benefits of it and i'm still uncertain because I know there will be more people driving high than before, but now that you've listed them all out I could be convinced for legalization.
Well.. high five :) it's not a simple subject, and there's a lot of misinformation out there, coming from both sides of the fence. Good on you for coming at it with an open mind.
Huh? My spouse has primary progressive multiple sclerosis and, besides slowly becoming more paralyzed everyday at the age of 37 (started 10 years ago), he suffers extreme nerve pain. Weed helps. A LOT. Sounds fun, eh?
I never said it was easy to get in every state. I'm very sorry for your husband, but what I meant was I fully support medical usage, but i was hesitant for recreational use because I didn't see much use other than having a good time.
Much, much good comes from marijuana when you let the Reefer Madness madness die its long overdue death.