Do you guys not see the irony in this post? Net neutrality = government regulation. Capitalism will always find a way to privide for consumer demand so the FCC is not needed here. This post is saying that capitalism will fix the problem (if ISPs charge to much or deliver below expectation an entrepreneur will start a new company that will deliver both). The answer cannot be both gov regulation AND free market! Fear of a slow netflix experiance is propiganda to allow the givernment to gain more control over the people (and you do not want that).
Look what happened to healthcare when the government got involved!
Again, you aren't accounting for greed. It's the exact same thing as price fixing, sure in an ideal free market that would never happen... but do you have ANY idea how often it does?
The more greedy ISPs get, the wider the profit margin becomes for them.
Then the easier it would be for your hero Elon to step in and crush them with a better service.
The problem is, only someone like Elon, Gates or Bezos would have the capital to even begin building something like that, then what is stopping them from putting their own sanctions on their service?
Just please send an email to the senator.
Still, it's worth a shot.
He looked down and whispered, "No."
Look what happened to healthcare when the government got involved!
Then the easier it would be for your hero Elon to step in and crush them with a better service.