I showed my Dad these and he said ‘Back when I was smaller, if I told my mum that my teacher hit me with a ruler because I was five minutes late to class, my mum would give me another whooping for being late to class and say the teacher was completely reasonable.’
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
My parents, when admitting me to a new institution or anything else,would say. Do what you gotta do. We won't say a thing. Just make sure he behaves. And I would be like. Whaaaaat? They would be okay with teacher beating me. Cause, Discipline and Education is must. And I would be like, okay.
And I'm sorry, your kid ain't special nor more smart than others kid nor need a totally different method of caring
Seriously, your kid ain't special, it's just another freaking child
Seriously, your kid ain't special, it's just another freaking child