I love it! Someone else's post; don't have the time to type it and pass it off as your own? F-it all! Screen shot? No, that won't work. Take a picture of the screen to capture the glare!
Point being, funny when original, too bad this isn't. No one likes a shaky cam pirated movie. At the very least have the studio scrawl at the bottom.
Even though something may or may not be a repost, remember, every day 10,000 new individuals access the internet. That's 10,00 people per day that haven't seen a repost. Just because you once ate a Moon Pie and drank a Dr Pepper under a railroad trestle while it was raining during a full moon doesn't mean everyone has. So relax. Not everyone has watched Back to the Future either.
· 7 years ago
Actually Women and Cats are more similar than you think in more than one ways.
Point being, funny when original, too bad this isn't. No one likes a shaky cam pirated movie. At the very least have the studio scrawl at the bottom.