I think you have a hater, because almost every single thing I've seen you post has been downvoted the last few days. But maybe it's unrelated and people just get salty.
@fell_equionox Thanks fam
@guest_ It's not the down votes that get to me, it's that they don't bother to argue their point. That's half the fun of this site.
I agree. That's why I've been upvoting your posts. Not just for count but for principle, a driveby downvote gives no way to know if there's a misunderstanding and clear it up, or to exchange views and possibly learn. It's not constructive at all. Personally I've downvoted maybe a handful of posts total. Unless it's blatant hate speech I generally won't. It isn't constructive. Even if we disagree on a thing, if I've presented views and opinions and made no impact, a down vote out of spite won't help and isn't very mature.
Famous and I have very VERY different political views, but we have other stuff in common that we like to talk about so I have no problems being good buddies because we respect each other's views
Lol. I'm glad. I find in life you likely won't find someone who agrees on every single thing with you, being able to share space with people with different views is one of the most important skills in life.
We compromise for peace, we fight when we won't accept compromise. War isn't some mystic abstract. It's a conflict where more than one side wants something and someone won't give it to them. All you need to have peace is to always give anyone everything they want without resistance. In a moment of thought you'll probably realize you wouldn't want to give up much in your life, so if someone refused to take no for an answer, you would fight to secure that thing. War isn't about peace, it's about taking or keeping that which you value.
· 7 years ago
my opinion: we as humans should get away from the "you want something from me? give me cash!" thoughts. we should work together, share ressources etc.. because this days a lot of things we could do can't be done because humans say "he don't have the money for it :(" etc.. we build walls instead of ladders into the sky.. it's frustrating. we should do something like in startrek where the humans share the ressources to build large ships and stuff, not waste our time with war, beeing money-driven and other stuff..
I agree. The problem is that it all starts with one person. It's not a big social problem but a personal one. People want more than they need, but there's only so much to go around. We don't want to be annoyed or share and we want the luxury of "pleasant" spaces not utilitarian clutter. Because there's only so much we compete for it, and for more. To the homeless man the poor man has so much, but shares only what they feel like. To the poor man te middle class man could give up so much before being on his level, and he survives fine. The middle class man sees the rich man and can't imagine having that much. The rich man sees bill gates and so on. People need to want less and be able able to live with less "wants" before that can really happen. On star trek they could make food and other items from thin air, which would certainly help.
in Star trek they had replicators who could replicate food etc.. yes. but these replicators need energy too. so basicly it's the same like today. energy is needed for everything.. like, as an example.. if you want to grow food, you need energy (light etc.)... i for myself could live easy with just internet (first world problems, lol), a small room to sleep, one room to wash my body, and having food to survive. i don't need luxury stuff.. the most luxury stuff who exist is without a need behind it.. it's just "look how rich i am and what cool stuff i can have with my money".. nothing more. it's really sad to see that humans think they get happy just by having luxury stuff at their home.. big cars etc.. in the end, this all don't even matter.. we can't take stuff after our dead with us.. but we can make the planet a better place while we are alife. most people just don't care about other humans in their reach / near them.. they just think about themself, not others... this makes me sad.
Luxery makes life more enjoyable. It breaks of monotony, makes you feel better, and gives you something to aspire towards. If you really wanted to live bare minimum, then you wouldn't even keep internet. The thing is, wanting is human.
To replicators- they do take energy, but they also have developed advanced clean energy which can supply the needs of most people. As for luxury- of course. People want it, but not everyone can have luxury. Recall- that which one person sees as a necessity or takes for granted as being the "default" is what someone else on earth wishes they had, and not everyone can have what they want. Somewhere is a family of 4 that is homeless. Anyone could give them their home, or pay for their rent instead. Especially if single. It's easier for one person to get by homesless than provide for 4 no? And 1 suffering is less than 4? Unless it's our own. Because eventually the choice comes back to an individual, and when we must choose between that we do not need but want dearly, and that which others need or need more, most people will choose to provide for themselves, and their charity extends as far as that which they decide they feel like living without versus what they can live without.
In other words- it's a noble goal to work together, but We can't ask other people to give to the greater good that which we wouldn't give ourselves. We can't ask others to put humanity before self if we won't do that ourselves. We don't need to live like Spartans no- but if you look around and see someone with less than you you know. You know why we can't do it. We can't do it as long as people see those with less we don't raise them up on our backs. We work so that we can have more, not so that they can have more. Then we toss the scraps we don't want or can live without down to them. It's that simple. We put it on the future like the past put it on us, to run up a tab of social, economic and ecological debts to be paid off by some future society with replicators and cold fusion.
I gotchu fam
@guest_ It's not the down votes that get to me, it's that they don't bother to argue their point. That's half the fun of this site.