At a glance, which one LOOKS tougher? Normally, at an equivalent body weight, the mature male will look more muscular than a mature female, but it looks like these guys found the girl a victim in a very lonely male anorexia recovery ward.
Agreed. A slim girl beat a skinny anorexic weak looking male. In some things, better is just better. If you had an MMA match between a man and woman at, say, the 165 pound weight class, you'd see the benefit of the strength advantage. Also, do we know if the two combatants in the photo are at the same level? If she's an expert and he's intermediate, it's no,surprise he lost.
Nothing wrong in posting this...I think we're trying to read something into it that's not there..."It's just some stuff that happened."
Also she's super pretty
And that male combatant is about as meaty as a lentil
No wonder he lost
Anyway, I hate the judgment of men based on physical and strength stereotypes
Nothing wrong in posting this...I think we're trying to read something into it that's not there..."It's just some stuff that happened."