Not really seem too much just not my favorite thing. Boobs just literally "spilling" out of a shirt just gives me the feeling of churned butter and butter is disgusting to me
Jealous much Ross? :p
I'm constantly swapping between C and D, but I can gladly say that they don't sag at all.
Two of my friends stated they looked "operated" but in a good way :D
Though the heavier they are, the faster the process will be
I'm constantly swapping between C and D, but I can gladly say that they don't sag at all.
Two of my friends stated they looked "operated" but in a good way :D
And you're only 20ish and yours ain't even that big, Mia
As long as they are true
Everyone got bad things anyways
You can wait for like 5 hours something
I was in such a meanie mood at that time yesterday