It's a sad burden most of us carry to some degree. Here is a woman who wants to be a dumb sec object while most women fight to feel like they aren't seen as dumb sex objects. Another post is about gays wanting a gay joker when gay rights fought so long to have gays no longer portrayed as degenerates and murderers in media. Somewhere is a black man upset at hip hop and rap for perpetuating negative black stereotypes while another black man is arguing that hip hop represents an element of black history and culture to be proud of. A white woman from a poor family worked her way through school in a foreign country where she was a teased minority, finishing her degree and returning to America with money to be told she was a "spoiled white woman who couldn't understand" No one should have be an amdasidor for a race or gender or creed. People should be able to live their lives. Until we see people as people though we will be judged by others deeds. Until we stop doing it ourselves.
Women are literally trying to avoid this and she wants to be this.