There are thousands of movies released each year with predominantly white casts, but how DARE Hollywood produce a blockbuster with a predominantly black one? Just say you're bitter and go
· 7 years ago
I'm referencing people saying that having a black cast is diverse when it's not. White movies aren't diverse either.
Please stop.
Yeah, I don't think anyone called "Black Panther" diverse. The whole point is to show lots of Black people around a Black superhero when its usually Whites around a White superhero. Then ask the audiences if they have a problem with that.
I see things like this and it's so weird to me that our society seems to think that there are only two races; white and black. You never really hear about Indians, Asians, Mexicans, South Americans, etc, etc. People just seem to think of it as white and black and that's it.
· 7 years ago
They only happen to appear when they are the center of controversy.
Bc black and white are triggered
I don't give a flying fuck about the colours of the actors
As long as the movie is good, I'm good
Even if a historic movie about Vietnam, my own country, is made and if they happen to have difficulty finding a good Vietnamese actors for some roles, they can have non-Vietnamese, even non-Asian play that role with 2 tons of makeup, I couldn't care less
It's not like they put up a sign "no black allowed" at the audition
People are way too butthurt about stupid, meaningless things nowadays
Lots of casting calls actually do this though. They don't flat out say 'no black people allowed' but they definitely call for 'caucasian male/female' a lot. Also, there are billions of Asians in the world, there should be no difficulty casting the proper ethnicity for the role.
Guezt, They're not gonna fly random people out with no acting experience just so they can be accurate with the race of the actor. So while there may be billions of Asians in the world how many are in America and how many are actors ?
I'm referencing people saying that having a black cast is diverse when it's not. White movies aren't diverse either.
Please stop.
I don't give a flying fuck about the colours of the actors
As long as the movie is good, I'm good
Even if a historic movie about Vietnam, my own country, is made and if they happen to have difficulty finding a good Vietnamese actors for some roles, they can have non-Vietnamese, even non-Asian play that role with 2 tons of makeup, I couldn't care less
It's not like they put up a sign "no black allowed" at the audition
People are way too butthurt about stupid, meaningless things nowadays