Oh man- don't get me started on the DLC! The publisher is worse than EA, I had to shell out for everything, even stupid stuff you need just to play the damn game. If that wasn't bad enough some of it was the most expensive DLC I've ever seen! There's no way to compete with the premium players unless you spend spend spend, and the admins all play and cheat! I tried to go online to look for hints but everyone was just bitching about glitches.
Yeah. People are pretty upset over the Brexit and 2016 election bugs. So soon to the mortgage exploit glitch and police bugging out and merc'ing innocent players too. And no patches in sight for most known exploits either. The difficulty curve is all messed up. It's hard as hell unless you find a way to get money. It gets easier until you're super OP and then those players mostly hoarde and troll. I'm hoping for a patch that will make the game harder the better you play and easier at lower levels so there's some ballance and more people can enjoy it. Call me a "casual" if you want- but I'm no stranger to grinding and am fine with rewarding power players, but this one makes dark souls look like pong.
Ya but dark souls is fair and balanced in its own twisted way, outside is bugged and completely unbalanced. The forums don't help either because people argue about how some of the most basic shit is done and no one can agree if there are many devs, a single dev or if there's even a respawn mechanic. I heard if you doe you either get permabaned or you get promoted to a better build but no one knows or can agree on weather it's just a rumor or not
True that. I didn't mean dark souls was unbalanced- just that the difficulty outside is more brutal. But yeah. No one even knows how many servers there are, we only have the one to play on and it's crowded, but whenever people talk about server maintenance people say needing maintenance is a hoax. The one thing we do know about the devs is they don't directly reply to emails and you ain't gonna get a tech support or QA walk through. The admins are the only point of contact for help but every freaking clan and faction has their own guys and don't seem to cooperate or agree much. The biggest clans have the most pull and so the little clans tend to get screwed. It's kinda a mess but I hope the devs don't shit it down anytime soon because I've got a lot invested. Maybe a final fantasy online style reboot could help- but then again that could really mess up a lot of people's games and change the dynamics so I'm hoping it isn't that screwed up and we can just fix it.
I heard there's a guy trying to glitch off world and possibly bridge a new map andnthe devs aren't doing muvh to stop him, seems cool at least, there was a guild that did it before but they were being funded by other clans until the clans stopped caring and they lost like all their income
I heard there's a guy trying to glitch off world and possibly bridge a new map and the devs aren't doing much to stop him, seems cool at least, there was a guild that did it before but they were being funded by other clans until the clans stopped caring and they lost like all their income
Yeah. It's some sort of item combination that's been around for ages, but no one really cares about unlocking the whole map because they heard the loot drops aren't as good and you need new equipment to get there. The mod community is really taking off though, so we are getting tons of new gear and so far I like it more than anything the admins have been releasing. Once he figures out the right combo though you know everyone will be copying him. Personally I'm going to stay in this area though. My avatar is an older version and I don't think it would do well with all the challenges of going to a new area.
It sucks I started with TWO debuffs. One lowered my charisma and social awareness stat to zero and the other one made my reading skill level slower than most.
Ya but at least your vision isn't bugged, i literally can't see the textures in the distance without a paid item, the fuck is this paid patches? And i have to pay every time i lose the item just to fix my draw distance!
It's there for when you're ready to get off your fucking high horse.