The man who would accept that as an "apology" is a week willed fool, one who deserves the sort who thinks that is an appropriate apology and would offer it.
This isn't, "sorry you had a rough day at work," or "sorry I punched you in my sleep," territory. This is a gross breach of trust. If she doesnt trust him to stoop to that level, why is she even with him?
Intimacy isn't a tool, bargining chip, bribe or get out of trouble free card, it's supposed to be (mostly) recreational adult fun. A relationship that devolves to that point is one that's in trouble.
This doesn't even make me angry, just sad. Disapointed and sad.
This isn't, "sorry you had a rough day at work," or "sorry I punched you in my sleep," territory. This is a gross breach of trust. If she doesnt trust him to stoop to that level, why is she even with him?
Intimacy isn't a tool, bargining chip, bribe or get out of trouble free card, it's supposed to be (mostly) recreational adult fun. A relationship that devolves to that point is one that's in trouble.
This doesn't even make me angry, just sad. Disapointed and sad.