McDonalds shouldn't be a living wage. You're flipping burgers. I don't mean any disrespect to those who do, because somebody has to, but it's not a very skilled job and it shouldn't make you a lot of money. It's a job not a career.
That fact that on the application it tells you in bold print you cannot earn a living off of the starting wages and should seek a second job if this is your intended purpose, should clue you in. However, they also offer yearly wage increases and McDonalds has a comprehensive secondary school benefits program. As an average a manager only needs 4-5 years on the job experience or the equivalent education to become a salaried full time employee. After that it becomes more competitive for higher positions within the organization.
Yes. And by salaried you mean your ass has to be there for 3am deliveries and when the Boss can't drag her drunk ass in on Saturday to face the hordes that just want pancakes. Yeah. Get you some of that.
People can choose to work where they want you aren't being forced. It may not be the best conditions but everybody knows going into it that McDonalds is not a glamorous job.
It's ironic that you want both:
-McDonalds to have a career path in the face of increasing automation, AND
-To require McDonalds to pay more than a job is worth, thus making it economically advantageous to automate those jobs out of existence.
-McDonalds to have a career path in the face of increasing automation, AND
-To require McDonalds to pay more than a job is worth, thus making it economically advantageous to automate those jobs out of existence.