I've felt the urge to punt a little dog SOOOOOO many times... but my love of doggos always wins.
I've only ever punted one animal; it was a raccoon and I didn't want it making a habit of eating out of a specific garbage bin because if the garbage people found the raccoon they'd kill it.... the punt was the lesser of two evils.
Title is right. But that's mainly because people will think it's cute when they get mad, basically not taking them seriously, so if they aren't happy they tend to go extra to make sure you know they mean business
Exactly. People end up (mostly by accident), rewarding a little dog for getting mad, so they coo at them and talk to them all sweet. On the other hand, big dogs are taught from the get-go (most of the time) that aggressive behavior isn’t allowed and will not be tolerated and will equal punishment, not reward. Thus resulting in big dogs being much happier upon meeting people
So, what happens is that small dogs end up being rewarded as puppies for aggressive behavior because it’s “cute” and big dogs are punished for it because they’re bigger therefore bigger bite.
Not many people report Grandma’s Chihuahua biting the shit out of them for no reason, but god help if the neighbors Rottweiler bites them for hitting them with a stick.
poodles are, by far, the most aggressive dog breed. Chihuahuas and Dachshunds are neck and neck for the 2 spot. As much as I think it's a good idea to slowly phase pit bulls out of existence (you know... just stop freaking breeding them; not a cull or anything)... I'd rather a neighbor with a pit who knows what they are doing over one with a poodle. Hell, I'd be happier if someone kept a freaking cheetah next door over a poodle. Cheetahs are big pansies.
Pitties DO NOT need to be bred out. They are good dogs with no major deformities. They’re not aggressive. All the pits I’ve met have been the sweetest little babies ever.
I've met some aggressive pits ( because the people in my area breed them for dog fighting ) and I still think they're adorable and breeding them out is cruel
Exactly, they wouldn't be that aggressive if their owners didn't make them that way, so because some pits are aggressive for THAT reason I wouldn't agree that they should be bred out
Otherwise we'd have to breed out all agressive dogs meaning all the little ones will have to go
It's not that pits are aggressive, it's that when they try and do damage, they wind up killing. A chihuahua can be as aggressive as possible, it's still incapable of inflicting any serious damage. A pit can kill a kid without really trying. And like I said, I'm not saying we should start putting them down... that'd be messed up... I'm just saying we should stop breeding them... how does that harm anyone or anything?
Then how about breeding those bad things out of the breeds rather than letting them die out ? There's people actively trying to undo the pugs issues, they can do the same for corgis and pits. It'll take time but it won't make a group go extinct because of health issues.
I've only ever punted one animal; it was a raccoon and I didn't want it making a habit of eating out of a specific garbage bin because if the garbage people found the raccoon they'd kill it.... the punt was the lesser of two evils.
So, what happens is that small dogs end up being rewarded as puppies for aggressive behavior because it’s “cute” and big dogs are punished for it because they’re bigger therefore bigger bite.
Not many people report Grandma’s Chihuahua biting the shit out of them for no reason, but god help if the neighbors Rottweiler bites them for hitting them with a stick.
Otherwise we'd have to breed out all agressive dogs meaning all the little ones will have to go