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· 7 years ago
Well, you can't pay bills with food either. You can't pay bills with oxygen. You certainly can't pay bills with the environment, or with investments in the future. Just because you can't spend it doesn't mean it's not important. The most important thing to us will often seem to be that which we need or want the most, but have the least. Living hand to mouth is sometimes a neccesity- but beyond surviving is living, and getting to a place where we can live vs survive often requires we look beyond the moment, even if that seems impossible. That said one could argue that love is most important. Why do you have bills? Even if you have no one in your life you always have yourself. Your survival and your will to survive are rooted in a love of self. If you don't care about yourself and your comfort, why do you care if you are hungry, or have a home? So the love seems to come first regardless.