It hasn't "lost" to fortnite. It still has millions of players. It's just down to do you want cartoony shooty battle royal sim that usually ends in worms 2 tower mode? Or do you want pseudo realistic battle royal sim that usually ends in close combat?
it pretty much lost to fortnite it was the top dog and now its not i mean everyone plays fortnite and it cant compete with it. Course it still has its fanbase but from where it was to fortnite it has lost.
It's down maybe 15%. Which is actually not bad for a game that's been out for a year. Most people that got into fortnite are either those that didn't buy into pubg in the first place or people that still play both. Not many of those that went from pubg to fortnite actually fully left.
I mean pub g has lost players though not only is it much more buggy and laggy but fortnite has everyone playing it including old pub g players who have switched over because it is funner more exciting and just overall better than pub g and the numbers show. I mean come on for the price of the game fortnite just seems more smooth exciting and people are seeing it.
Did you read a damn thing I said? The amount pubg has lost so far is just about Normal for an online game after a year of release. Maybe 2-4% of the 15% it's lost has come from fortnite switch over. They both have around 3 million concurrent players. As I said above, It's just comes down to what art style and niche mechanics you prefer.
Someone could say literally the same thing about fortnite and have the same level of validity as you. You can't even use anything more than juvenile insults to back up your statements and are obviously an asinine pissant that has no legit use so decided to provoke.
"has 3 million concurrent players"
I'd say there's about 3 million players that don't know it.