A lot of people have a tendency of leaving the car running while fueling up or when entering the gas station store. Especially during the night when hardly any to no one is around, they think its a quick task just in n out and they'll be done. But what they don't or ever realize is that just within seconds shit can happen and sometimes there is no way of repairing the damage done.
I know and I just don't get why they think its a good idea. Carriers are designed that way for a reason. Its even worse when its in the heat of the day and the parent leaves them to go shopping or get their nails done
I'm the same way, but honestly, basic car thieves will usually avoid cars with kids like the plague, because it jacks potential charges through the roof and rains down WAY more heat than they want. If they see you putting a kid in, they usually won't try it, its when they don't realize some dipshit left their kid alone in a car that it happens
Who the hell leaves a baby in a RUNNING car at 4 in the morning? Wtf were they thinking?