Pit bulls are famous for their unrelenting, single-mindedness when they attack. There are hundreds of videos of pit bulls attacking while people pull, hit, kick, even stab the damn things and they won't let go. You combine that with a psychopathic level of unpredictability and you have a dangerous animal - not a fucking pet.
· 6 years ago
So are monitor lizards, crocodiles, and pythons but no one bitches about them the way they bitch about pit bulls.
If you think that's just pitbulls, you really need to do more research. Dogs will stop at nothing when hungry or desperate enough. That's something we have in common with them.
Every decade a new "most dangerous breed" hits the spot light. Its been Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Dobbermans, Chows, but in truth its the small dogs with the highest percentage of aggression and attacks, but they don't do the damage that the much smaller percentage of big dogs do. Personally, I've never met a vicious pit bull, and I've been around A LOT, meanwhile, I have never met a single chihuahua that wasn't aggressive, at least vocally, and usually physically. Also, a lot of that behavior is trained into them by horrible excuses for humans.
Our pitbull is amazingly loving and protective. She is a lap dog all of the time. I have friends that have small dogs that would rather attack you instead of loving you.
There are 2 small chihuahuas in our apartment complex that constantly go out of there way to attack kids. They even went after my daughter in her stroller.
It is not about agression. It is about build. Pit bulls have the strongest muscles in jaw and neck. Also they zone out, when they attack. It is not determination or hunger or desire. They are selectively made to ignore pain and to do as much damage as possible. I would make it illegal to breed them immediately. Individual pits might not be a problem, but as a breed, they need to gradually go. I am also against untrained people owning German Shepherds and Rottweilers... But those breeds are at least easily trainable to be useful
You've done research? I've read one tabloid making that claim and a dozen articles rebuking it, nevermind my own experiences with dog attacks and animal control. The only way a pitbull could be more dangerous is if it was specially trained or is particularly large. Try again.
You guys think "credible" research means supporting your claim. I read many articles and studies for both sides over many years. Watched documentaries, raw videos of pits and other dogs attacking, read statistics. I am not an expert, but you cannot say I did not do my research credibly. I will not be able to convince you, I know that. But why is a ban on breeding pits a problem? It is not hurting the living animals in any way.
I'm not wasting anymore time trying to combat voluntary ignorance. If you actually want to read some just search pitbull fallacy refuted. Most of what I've read were papers in vet's offices over the years.
Or, how about instead of not allowing a breed to be in existence because of your bias, you breed out the problems instead? Like how people are breeding out the small snouts in certain breeds to get rid of health issues.
Pitbulls were family dogs with hardly more issue than any other dogs for a long ass time.
Real quick I looked up literally what you wanted me to (the pitbull fallacy). Aside of personal blogs and BuzzFeed type articles (which I read too) I found few, but none of them debunking the built or the fact that they are unstoppable once they snap and draw blood and bone. Just people throwing buzzwords like "vicious" and "agressive" and debunking that, practically strawmaning the whole argument. Maybe a large population believs pitbulls are agressive and all other points in the useless articles, but it doesn't answer valid arguments educated people have in regards to this matter.
The breed has never done anything wrong. They are nanny dogs and guard dogs. They are not any more dangerous than a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd. Why breed such a beautiful and protective creature into extinction just so the fuckers abusing them can antagonize other dogs again? They do not lock their jaws, they are no more viscous than any other dog of comparable size.
Oh well done, sir! I just had to upvote you. I appreciate a skilled troll like you... I am 98% convinced you are trolling. The first sentence is such a classic rage bait (non-factious blanket statement, aimed at the audience of opposite opinion to provoke to spew facts proving otherwise). The second makes no difference in original dispute. The third is just repeating what I said, just formulated like it is supporting your possiton(I agree, that rottweilers and German Shepherds are almost as dangerous as pitbulls and should be handled only by professional dog trainers or at least persons with a proper training. The next sentence is based on a false, the one after a is a straw-man. (Pits don't attack only when mistreated. And I never stated I believe their jaws lock not that they are more vicious, which is both untrue of course). I understand my opinion is an unpopular one, but I believe it is valid enough to be heard and considered.
Consider it promptly rejected. You can't make an animal extinct just because you think others don't have a right to own one.
Also, I'm not a troll. You wasted a lot of words with your accusation though, so A for effort.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I own a pit that's lived in a chain her whole life (we'd take her off it but she doesn't know how to act without it). Dogs like that tend to be really aggressive but not her. The most she does is jump on you and scratch you with her nails.
The statement of Diyrogue is what got me laughing. If you, sir/lady/whateveryouwish had any basic understanding of evolution, you would understand, that your suggested solution would mean exactly what I am advocating. A breeding ban. No private party would be allowed to bring forward pit-bulls, except professionals who know how to "breed out the problems". But at the end this would result in a new breed
As for research and ignorance: Please look up a skull of a pit. See the line going on top? And those arches around eye sockets? That is where the biting muscles go and attach. You can see with your own eyes, that this makes pit-bull have the most massive chewing power compared to skull size of all dogs
great unbiased abstracts of many studies: journalistsresource (dot) org/studies/government/municipal/dog-bites-attacks-research-review
· 6 years ago
Those zygomatics ain't shit compared to other breeds such as the Dogo Argentino or any of the mastiff breeds.
Guest, that's not how it works. You don't ban breeding between pits, you selectively breed them with pits that don't have the traits so you can breed them out or ones that have a lesser version of the trait. Selective breeding is completely different than a ban on breeding.
The funny thing is about “Banning pits” is there isn’t ATLEAST THREE dog breeds that fall under the breed “pit bull”. American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terriers, and the currently not recognized by the AKC, American Pitbull Terrier.
So a lot of times Pitty bans are based solely on looks. They don’t have locking jaws, that’s a myth. Plus, German Shepard’s have stronger bite than Pits.
Dogs that fall under the category of Pitties are strong willed and need a firm, experienced hand, an owner who’s willing to really WORK with the dog. They’re excellent dogs. My pup we think is an pit mix (AmStaff, to be exact) And is so sweet. I’m sick right now and she’s clung by me like she’s velcroed to me.
When I was small, I was quite afraid by dogs, and especially by the one always pictured as "bad" dogs (Rott, Pits, Doberman, etc.). Then, I got my first dog and I read a lot about dogs's education and their behaviour. And I started to hang out with my neighbour who had 2 pits. Since that day, everytime I met an Amstaff, they were always adorable and obedient. In contrary, I met much more agressive labs and Shepherd.
Pits don't deserve to go extinct. They just deserve good masters.
Exactly! All dogs have the potential to be like those “”evil pits””, But because of too many thugs and bad owners owning them, pits are the unfortunate sacrificial lamb of aggressive dogs. It’s a real shame, too.
My mom used to be wary of pits, until we got ours. Now she sees all this anti-pit stuff and it breaks her heart, because now she can only see our sweet girl getting the finger pointed at her for shitty ownership. When ours is so sweet and loves to give kisses. Hell, I’ve seen Noel (my pit) go as far as to BREAK UP fights at the dog park. Sure, shes gotten into fights with our other dog, but that’s mostly been them trying to work out the order in the house. But for the most part she hates fights.
It all comes down to ownership and individual personality of the animal. Sometimes the wrong owners get paired with the wrong dog and personalities clash. Sometimes people just don’t care. But the dogs shouldn’t be blamed for the shit we do.
Pitbulls were family dogs with hardly more issue than any other dogs for a long ass time.
Also, I'm not a troll. You wasted a lot of words with your accusation though, so A for effort.
As for research and ignorance: Please look up a skull of a pit. See the line going on top? And those arches around eye sockets? That is where the biting muscles go and attach. You can see with your own eyes, that this makes pit-bull have the most massive chewing power compared to skull size of all dogs
great unbiased abstracts of many studies: journalistsresource (dot) org/studies/government/municipal/dog-bites-attacks-research-review
So a lot of times Pitty bans are based solely on looks. They don’t have locking jaws, that’s a myth. Plus, German Shepard’s have stronger bite than Pits.
Dogs that fall under the category of Pitties are strong willed and need a firm, experienced hand, an owner who’s willing to really WORK with the dog. They’re excellent dogs. My pup we think is an pit mix (AmStaff, to be exact) And is so sweet. I’m sick right now and she’s clung by me like she’s velcroed to me.
Pits don't deserve to go extinct. They just deserve good masters.
My mom used to be wary of pits, until we got ours. Now she sees all this anti-pit stuff and it breaks her heart, because now she can only see our sweet girl getting the finger pointed at her for shitty ownership. When ours is so sweet and loves to give kisses. Hell, I’ve seen Noel (my pit) go as far as to BREAK UP fights at the dog park. Sure, shes gotten into fights with our other dog, but that’s mostly been them trying to work out the order in the house. But for the most part she hates fights.
It all comes down to ownership and individual personality of the animal. Sometimes the wrong owners get paired with the wrong dog and personalities clash. Sometimes people just don’t care. But the dogs shouldn’t be blamed for the shit we do.