If I knew someone was interested in me, I would absolutely go and talk to them. Meanwhile, I talk to everyone and do the things I'm interested in and enjoy doing.
You don’t need to go on dates with random people just so someone will fall in love. Love happens everywhere. You don’t have to make t sound like hard work.
Yeah but what if your ex ruined your self-esteem and now you're too scared to get into a relationship again because there's a big chance that it will happen again
Relationships are a chance you have to take, it may end but you learn and grow and build amazing memories from some of them. Your Ex is not a representation of you or any other person. Meaning the next person you are in a relationship with will be a completely different individual, with different values, tastes, quirks etc. and thus it's extremely unlikely your mistreatment will repeat. Ask yourself, before you enter any intimate relationship, will they change me for the better? am I doing this for me or them? Because if you are committing to this for them, then you're not making the right choice. You are number one priority. Don't let someone else's actions determine how everyone else will treat you and don't let it determine how you treat yourself.
*anxiety intensifies*