That would work though, right? Making guns illegal,keeps them out of the hands of criminals, which is why Chicago, Baltimore and other cities with strict anti-gun laws are so safe. So, we can just make tornadoes illegal and that'll be one more instance where the government can solve our problems.
Yeah, but I suppose a movement would start to force us to refer to the tornadoes as "undocumented" instead of "illegal." And, then there'd be those that would protest the stopping of the actual destruction of the tornadoes...I mean, it's not fair for the destruction to be stigmatized because of the illegality of the tornadoes that caused it.
Ok.... but... the destruction caused by tornados is illegal. Go knock down some random houses or kill a few people and see how that goes for you. I don’t think I need to explain why that is bad (I hope,) but, if you did kill a few people- should I then stigmatize all people as murders because some did? The majority of people aren’t. Likewise- do most tornados clean up messes instead of making them? Build homes instead of destroying them? Pay taxes? I can’t even use tornado talk anymore because it’s such a terrible metaphor. Comparing a group of humans to a natural disaster? And I can’t even tell what parts are specifically about guns and which are about people? Honestly it’s a little hard to tell how you feel about either. As a science fact though- like wild fires and earthquakes, tornados are part of the ecosystem. They do serve a purpose, and eliminating them would cause massive devastation. You can see how this is quite confusing can’t you?
Yeah, but I suppose a movement would start to force us to refer to the tornadoes as "undocumented" instead of "illegal." And, then there'd be those that would protest the stopping of the actual destruction of the tornadoes...I mean, it's not fair for the destruction to be stigmatized because of the illegality of the tornadoes that caused it.