Cousin: we are going to the bar! Yess!
Me: we are going home
Cousin: what??? But its only 11 pm
Me: it's already 11 pm and my mother can't sleep if I weren't home! Take me home!
My mother decided to drive my husband and me around town a couple weeks ago when we drove to Branson, Missouri (she lives in S. Carolina) for a wedding. She pretty much held us hostage one night and refused to go back to our car so we could go to bed (mind you, she had to leave and drive 18 hours the very next morning).
You haven't lived until you and your homie buy two dozen Krispy Kreme donuts (after partying obviously). drove into an apartment complex, stole a parking spout, hotboxed while munching on the donuts and then put the seats back and passed out for 8 hours, both waking up at the same time deciding the only logical next step is finding anything that can hydrate.
Me: we are going home
Cousin: what??? But its only 11 pm
Me: it's already 11 pm and my mother can't sleep if I weren't home! Take me home!