I spend way too much time doing this
6 years ago by dash224 · 1134 Likes · 3 comments · Popular
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· 6 years ago
Considering that the human lifespan gets larger every day, you may have more time than you think.
· 6 years ago
sometimes when bus drivers dont say hi to me i feel bad
· 6 years ago
While basing your existence on the thoughts of others isn’t healthy, neither is the modern sentiment to completely reject what others think. As an individual you exist only as you see yourself in your mind. As a member of society though you interact with others. To some degree society requires we care for the opinion of others at the very least to show consideration if not to gain feedback on how our behaviors might be perceived or effect others. The only way to keep our society without this is to have a society where everyone naturally shares the same values and views. It’s been tried, but usually the question of what to do with those who dissent causes a dark turn to things. The idea of complete lack of care in opinions is the view of a dictator, as they only care about their self image, their way and desires, and either by choice or by nature will hurt those who don’t share their views. Like most things, somewhere in the middle is probably where one is best to stay.