This reminds me of when my 2nd oldest brother was in highschool he had this teacher that loved to joke with his students in an insult like way.
So my brother decided when he got the chance he would get him good.
One day the teacher sees my brother just staring off into space. He walks up to my brother and says "BOY don't just sit there like your Mama ain't got no arms or legs."
My brother looks up at him and all teary eyed says "That isn't funny Sir. My Mama really doesn't have arms or legs." The teacher is in major panic mode. "OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT I WAA JUST JOKING I AM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"
My brother laughs and says "I am only joking my Mama has arms and legs."
He said that it was the first time he seen a teacher actually truly want to choke tye life out of him. lmfao
once i walked into a room and my two friends were in it and they looked really solemn (keep in mind i had just gone to the washroom so WHAT could’ve happened???) and then im like hey who died and my friend is like my grandma :/
So my brother decided when he got the chance he would get him good.
One day the teacher sees my brother just staring off into space. He walks up to my brother and says "BOY don't just sit there like your Mama ain't got no arms or legs."
My brother looks up at him and all teary eyed says "That isn't funny Sir. My Mama really doesn't have arms or legs." The teacher is in major panic mode. "OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT I WAA JUST JOKING I AM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"
My brother laughs and says "I am only joking my Mama has arms and legs."
He said that it was the first time he seen a teacher actually truly want to choke tye life out of him. lmfao