Frozen beef patties, dude. I hate this idea that fast food is somehow fake food. Like, yeah, it's not the healthiest shit in the world, but these restaurants are required to abide by health laws, y'know?
Like I worked at BK for, like 3 years, and we were so fucking adamant about cleanliness and keeping the food safe for consumption, and all the food had, like stickers that let you track it all the way back to the fucking farm, and it's just, like, I get that not all stores are as good as my store was, I actually worked at an understaffed store and I was kind of appalled at that store's level of cleanliness, but their store was still acceptable, mine was just that much better, y'know? Anyways, rant over, fast food isn't unsafe or fake, its just full of salt and fat and mayonnaise and cheese, and is really unhealthy, but you aren't eating fake food, just unhealthy food.