@pokethebear! I got your six my friend. You an @yimmye got the green from me. I know you been on here for awhile like me an to this day I still haft to scratch my head cause some of the non offenseive or plane jane stuff people would post would get thumb down. I remember when ya could actually see it go into the negative. But I learned to not worry about what strangers give me when I post or say something. Like my bro LiquidE use to say. Be a duck. A duck don’t give a fu:k about what you do. Just as long as you don’t try to physically hurt it. You can call it every bad name in the world an that SOB will still keep on being a duck. So I’m being a duck an not giving a fu:k!!
· 6 years ago
It's almost like we also have a system that tries not to pay people for not showing up to work.
He's pointing out the logic in not paying people when they don't work, and I assume is making the point that that's not a terrible thing in itself.
· 6 years ago
It's also a rather middle to upper class problem. When someone who works retail gets sick and they stay home, they don't get paid that day.
If they get super sick and can't work anymore, the company usually just lets them go and hires someone else.
If they get super sick and can't work anymore, the company usually just lets them go and hires someone else.