This is important! Like it or not Capitalism is the environment that allows most of this innovation to come from. It has it's shortcomings for sure but it's the best system anyone has ever had.
I was literally thinking about this half an hour ago. Communism failed, and while I was hoping that socialism was a good choice, it doesn’t seem to be working (or maybe thats just that place)
I'm afraid socialism is fundamentally flawed. True freedom means that the power has to always be held by the masses. If someone is suggesting another system (particularly if they're offering themselves as the leader) they are the bad guy.
Minimally corrupted, minimally invasive, free capitalistic society is what sparked that giant leap forward in the quality of life.
We dont need socialism. We need to remove the corruption and allow the system to work.
Uhm, the mininally invase free capitalistic society is just... not right. That's exactly what they had in Britain at the beginning and middle of the industrial revolution. The companies had almost unlimited freedom, there were no government involvement. What they thought that would do was that the poor who worked hard would earn an honest wage and get a better life. What actually happened was that the poor got even poorer, the rich got even richer and unemployment rates skyrocketed. That's what pure capitalism does. The government was forced into taking action because the majority of the people were atarting to starve. That just shows that no system works in it's pure form, yet people like you think that capitalism is Gods gift even though it has also been proven brittle and imperfect.
Minimally corrupted, minimally invasive, free capitalistic society is what sparked that giant leap forward in the quality of life.
We dont need socialism. We need to remove the corruption and allow the system to work.