My daughter raided my soon to be Ex ollady an my closest for clothes. She said we could supply the whole school for 90s day with all this “old stuff”. I was gonna get mad but I fell asleep.
My daughter is having 90s week I told her I was going to dress her up like Kris Kross and than she gave me this look (0.o) and I whipped out songs and music videos and she asked me if they got dressed in the dark lmfao.
(For those who don't know Kris Kross wore their clothes backwards) lmao
LMAO that’s funny. Maybe you can talk her into doin it for Halloween!! I’m seein what my dad was seeing when I showed him Kris Kris’s vid I had recorded on the ol VHF!!!
I do it every year all except 2 years lol some years I make 2 one for school one for trick or treating. Because the one for trick or treating is to bulky or fragile for school.
This year she be Nitelite from (-.-) Fortnite
With pickaxe and backpack lol
(For those who don't know Kris Kross wore their clothes backwards) lmao
This year she be Nitelite from (-.-) Fortnite
With pickaxe and backpack lol