Here is some real password advice, chose at least 2 words and at least 2 numbers, now combine those to a template:
E.g: the words I, Eat, Ass and the numbers 6 and 9 = IEat__Ass69, now in the blank space (__) insert the 2 letter acronym of the page ( YouTube = YT, Facebook = FB, FunSubstance = FS).
So on YouTube my password would be: IEatYTAss69
On Facebook: IEatFBAss69
On FunSubstance: IEatFSAss69
So you only remember the template and the website name tells you your password!
(This type of password is newly impossible to brute force if done correctly)
I do something similar. I actually tried putting my birthday into one, but I mistyped it. So now I have double security because even if you know my birthday, you'll still get it wrong lol
· 6 years ago
It's better to use arbitrary numbers rather than logical ones, so it better to use the mistyped date instead of your real birthday
E.g: the words I, Eat, Ass and the numbers 6 and 9 = IEat__Ass69, now in the blank space (__) insert the 2 letter acronym of the page ( YouTube = YT, Facebook = FB, FunSubstance = FS).
So on YouTube my password would be: IEatYTAss69
On Facebook: IEatFBAss69
On FunSubstance: IEatFSAss69
So you only remember the template and the website name tells you your password!
(This type of password is newly impossible to brute force if done correctly)