It will happen more often the older you get. You'll stop flexing just because, the pain is just too intense. And you'll have a tube of fizzy magnesium tablets on your bathroom shelf.
Or, you can treat yourself to dark chocolate a bit more often or eat more of nuts, avocados, bananas, whole grain, and leafy greens for your magnesium fix.
... I hate dark chocolate, bananas make me puke, whole grains and little bits of nuts get stuck in my cryptic amygdalia -please don't make me say how this ends up-, most leafy greens give me uh let's say digestive problems and I'm allergic to avocados.
Well time to learn how to walk on my hands xD
(by the way even if my case is hard work I genuinely appreciate that you give good health advice on the internet, that's a nice thing to do)
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Some things are getting worse when you get older, granted. But most are getting better. Unless you're an idiot, usually you figure out what's good for you and what's bad, you don't get fooled as easily as when you were young, time passes by so much faster each year, you will forget what boredom was. Your sense of taste and smell gets worse, so you're fine with the $25 Bourbon and couldn't tell the difference to the $125 bottle... I don't want to be younger than 40 any more.
i read this to my dad thinking, oh this is a relatable funny, but he got very concerned that i was not eating enough potassium and it started a whole thing
Well time to learn how to walk on my hands xD
(by the way even if my case is hard work I genuinely appreciate that you give good health advice on the internet, that's a nice thing to do)